Chapter IU Of The P.E.O. Meets For Regular Business Meeting


Chapter IU of the P.E.O. Sisterhood met for their regular business meeting February 9, 2022, at the Rotary Building with Lisa Wallace and Roberta Edgett serving as co-hostess. They decorated the tables for Valentine’s Day with sweet treats for everyone.
Treva Jones announced that our next gathering will be a social meeting at Clinton Candle Company mid-February where members will create their own scented candles.
Jennifer Sanford presented the program for the evening by describing details of the duties of each officer. Following the program, delicious treats were served for Valentine’s Day. All sisters wore red in support of our Chiefs’ who went on to win the Super Bowl!
The March meeting will be held March 9th at 7 p.m. at the Rotary Building with Vivian Taylor and Dinah Scott serving as hostesses. The program will be the installation of officers.