Lady Cardinals Coop The Chicks


The Cardinals traveled to Pleasant Hill on Thursday February 2 to play against the Pleasant Hill Chicks. It was an extremely challenging game for both the Cardinals and their opponents the Chicks. Mercedes Brown won the tip-off at the start of this game with Briley Wishard catching the ball to gain possession for the Cardinals.
At 6:02 in the first quarter Mercedes Brown passes the ball to Skyte Wilson who makes the cardinals their first three points of the game.
Both offense and defense played hard to keep this game as close as it was, in the first quarter the Cardinals were neck-and-neck with the Chicks 12-13. The Lady Cardinals defiantly got their fare share of exercise in as the ball moved up and down the court more than average with lots of turnovers made by both the Cardinals and the Chicks.
The second quarter was definitely a slow one as well with the Cardinals only scoring 6 points. Briley Wishard (2), Ava Potter (2), and Mercedes Brown (2). The Chicks also had a slow second quarter in this one only scoring seven points. The Chicks scorer was Chaney Gray who scored all seven points for this quarter.
At halftime the Cardinals vs. Chicks score was 19-19, again, another quarter that was close making the second half questionable as to who would win this game.
Womack took the girls to the locker room and had a meeting as they do for every game, there was something different about this one though because the Cardinals came out of the locker room radiating with energy.
In the third, the Cardinals really kicked it into high gear and started to triumph over the Chicks.
Vyla Brown scored (4) points, Mercedes Brown (4), Hannah Campbell (2), Skyte Wilson (6), and Briley Wishard (5). The Chicks were not so fortunate though as they only scored eight points in the third quarter, they only had two scoring player for this quarter, they were Addi Fidler and Chaney Gray.
With the Cardinals really bringing the heat for this third quarter, the score was now 40-27.
In the fourth quarter the Cardinals and the Chicks were running neck-and-neck again in the scorebook. The Cardinals tallied 13 and the Chicks scored 13.
This brought the final score of this game to 53-40.

CLINTON (53): V. Brown-8, A. Cardwell-0, Mercedes Brown-13, H. Campbell-3, K. Shaffer-0, S. Wilson-18, A. Goucher-0, A. Potter-4, and B. Wishard-7.
PLEASANT HILL (40): A. Strogham-0, T. Wilson-0, H. DiMarco-2, G. Layton-0, A.
Fidler-6, L. McDaniel-0, A. Ralston-0, I. Keitzman-4, C. Gray-18, and B. Beck-10.