As one of Missouri’s Centers for Independent Living, WILS joins with our sister centers at Missouri Center’s for Independent Living (MOCIL) in expressing deep disappointment over substantial budget cuts passed by the state’s General Assembly. These cuts severely impact vital programs serving people with disabilities, including assistive technology, employment services, and in-home health care.
MOCIL, which serves over 100,000 Missourians annually, warns that these budget reductions may lead to staff reductions and hinder their ability to provide essential services. Moreover, with nearly one in three Missouri adults living with a disability, the implications of these cuts are profound. Missouri Centers for Independent Living (MOCIL) are deeply disappointed by the steep cuts to programs serving people with disabilities passed by Missouri’s General Assembly Friday May 10, 2024. We have never seen a budget process like this one. No public testimony was taken, and duly elected representatives and senators from both sides of the aisle were not allowed to offer amendments and openly express the needs of their constituents.
A small number of senators controlled the daily schedule. Very little new legislation will be passed, including a much-needed update to the Circuit Breaker Property Tax Relief bill that enjoyed bi-partisan support and would have improved the household budgets of many seniors and people with disabilities.
MOCIL provided services to more than 100,000 Missourians last year – through vital programs like assistive technology, employment programs, and in-home health/ consumer-directed services. Assistance with bathing, cooking, housecleaning, and medications can protect health and prevent unnecessary and expensive hospitalizations and admittance to nursing homes.
Funding for Missouri Centers for Independent Living already lagged far behind national averages. With less state funding for Fiscal Year 2025, we may have to reduce staffing if we cannot locate other funding.
Those with disabilities should speak up as hardships are created by the budget cuts. Nearly one in three Missouri adults lives with a disability. We have not been speaking out in a loud, united way. This year’s budget process demonstrates why we must do so.