The Shepherd Calls


Forgiveness---A Difficult Discipleship Duty
Jesus indicated forgiving others is a prerequisite for God’s forgiveness, “If you don’t forgive those who sin against you, the Father will not forgive you.” (Matthew 6:14) Despite these very pointed words from our Lord, most Christians admit forgiving is difficult. There are a number of human reasons why this is true.
Most of us believe others need forgiveness more than we do. Driving on the interstate, a car flew past us. “That man needs to be arrested,” I said. “Why?” my wife asked. “Because he is speeding,” I answered. Without even smiling, she replied, “And, so are you.”
When we cannot deny our sin, we blame someone or something to justify it. When my wife pointed out I was speeding, I could have said, “You made us late; it’s your fault I am speeding,” (Note: I could have said that, but I did not.) Adam said, “Eve made me do it.” Eve said, “The devil made me do it.” God said, “You two did it.”
From childhood we learn if you hurt me, I have a right to hurt you back. As a child did you ever say, “He/She hit me first.” We adults say the same thing but with more sophistication, “An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.”
To justify our unforgiving hearts we often say, “I’ll forgive, but I won’t forget.”
A troublesome lady told her priest she had a vision from God and would like to share it with the congregation. Wary of the lady and her vision, the priest put her off week after week. Finally, he told her, “We have rules about sharing. You must prove yourself. This morning, I confessed a sin to God. You go home and ask God what that sin was; and if He tells you, then you can share your vision.”
The following Sunday the lady again requested permission to share her vision. The priest asked, “Did you ask God what sin I confessed?” “Yes” the lady answered. Smiling the priest asked, “And what did God say?” “He said He couldn’t remember.”
“If you forgive,” Jesus said, “The Father will forgive you.”