The Shepherd Calls


Young Servants
In Biblical times men were not considered grown until they were thirty. Girls, on the other hand, were considered of marriage age in their teens. Girls were seldom educated like boys and often could not read or write. Apparently, it was assumed a girl did not need an education to keep house and tend children.
Consequently, the Bible was written primarily by older men and almost no women. There are stories in the Bible about women; but to the best of my knowledge, none of them are Biblical authors. These facts can discourage youth with regard to Bible study. Heads up, young people, while in many ways the Bible is an adult tome, it contains numerous accounts of young people serving the Lord.
In typical truthfulness the Bible reports these narratives on the good and the bad. Cain, in a fit of jealousy, killed his brother Abel. Samson was gifted with herculean strength so he could deliver the Hebrews from the Philistines. He wasted his strength on women and practical jokes. To his credit, he did deliver Israel from their enemies; but it was more an act of revenge than Godly service; and it cost him his life.
On the other side of the aisle, there was Samuel. His mother, Hannah, took him to the temple to serve God when he was only 3. He might easily have rebelled, been angry with his mother, and stubbornly refused his mission. No, he served for decades and was the transition man when the Hebrews demanded a king.
Then, of course, there was David, the youngest of the seven sons of Jesse. He was just a young shepherd boy when God tapped him to be the next king. Filled with courage and Godly faithfulness, he won the hearts of his people.
God used many young girls in His service. First of all, we must tell the story of Mary, just a teenager when God chose her to be Jesus’ mother. Esther was a beautiful Jewish girl living in a foreign country who risked her own life to save her people from destruction. Then, there was the widowed Ruth who followed her heart and won a place in the ancestry of Jesus.
I have no idea how many young people read this column; I hope many. But as I write, I am impressed with how these stories of young people following God shaped my life. I pray they will do the same for you. But first, you must read them.