Church News


Calhoun Community Church
Welcome to the Good News from Calhoun Community Church. We are a multi-denominational Congregation. Our church family gathers at 9:30 a.m. for pre- church food and fellowship. We use this special time for visiting one with another, welcoming guests as they arrive for Worship, and signing cards of encouragement for our card ministry. We ring the church bell at 9:45 to call our church families to worship at 10:00.
Those on our prayer list are Sondra and Jackson Short, Patty Dump’s Mother, Joyce Trolinger, Donald Hill, Verna Walters, Dalton Conner, Paul Diaz’s father, Debby and Clint Land, Millie Redding, Amber, Patrick, and Brecklynn Dittmer, Jim, La Dawn, and Dave Burson. We pray for our military men and women and their families, as well as others in service jobs that we depend upon daily. We pray for guidance as we continue to grow, here on the southeast corner of the Calhoun square.
Joys to celebrate: What a beautiful Sunday morning to come together as a church family and praise the Lord. The days are becoming noticeably shorter and cooler; a blessing in its self. Carol Lane made Snickerdoodle cookies for pre-church fellowship today, and we look forward all week for her special treats. We were pleased to sing Happy Birthday to Tonya Keller and wish her many more. Steve Siercks lit the altar candles at the beginning of our service and served as usher. Special Music: by our Ms. Verna was “There is a River.” Our thanks to Patty and Harold Dump for planting the beautiful mums along Hwy 52 East; they are an attractive addition as one drives in to town from that direction. Guests this morning were Tracy and Steve Smothermen, and Ann and Brett Bilbruck. We along with Donald Hill were pleased that he was able to come to church this morning following shoulder replacement a couple of weeks ago. Diane Mills expressed her thanks to all who contributed their skills and effort to make the 115th Calhoun
Colt Show another success. We here at Calhoun Community Church were pleased to participate in the Union Church Service on Sunday of the Colt Show; and were extremely excited with the Kid’s Day Games headed by Kelly Marriott and her family.
We are a Multidenominational church group here at Calhoun Community Church organized a little over . a year ago. We are the new kids on the block; we are interested in building a church family who follow Jesus Christ and are not so concerned about rhetoric, we are thankful for the blessings received and the forgiveness of a loving God. We are a diverse group here at Calhoun Community Church. We try to have a little fun, show concern for each other, as well as Praise the Lord during our church experience.
We invite you to be our guest any Sunday morning at 10:00, come dressed as you are comfortable, bring the children for Sunday school during the service and receive a blessing for your effort.

First Baptist
On Sunday, Pastor Pat Findley began a series in Genesis called ‘In The Beginning’ titled “A Packing List for Genesis”. Pastor Pat described 6 important points to consider as we dive into this two-year series. First, he encouraged us to understand that, while some theories contradict that Moses wrote the first 5 books of the Bible, other books of the Bible, as well as Jesus’ words, refer to Moses’ writing. God has chosen to reveal Himself in His Word. So, even though man wrote it, the Bible is God-breathed. Genesis is history. Jesus reflected on things in the beginning and His genealogy includes people from Genesis. We must focus on the text of the Bible, honoring the author’s intent so that we may interpret it. To do this, pay attention to repeated words and phrases, the details, when the action slows down, the dialogue, all the ways that God is the actual hero, and that the little stories are all part of the big story. As we ponder the details of the events, let us ask ourselves ‘What is God telling us?’. The answers will help us to stand on His truth. The deeper you read in scripture, the clearer Jesus should become. Join us for the journey! The Bible lovingly shows us how to escape the wrath of sin in the world and in ourselves to see the salvation available through Jesus Christ!
MidWeek opportunities are offered at 6 pm on Wednesdays for kids, teens, and adults.
Celebrate Recovery is on Tuesday evenings at 5:30 pm at the Vansant location for anyone with hurts, habits, or hangups. GriefShare is offered on Wednesdays at 6 pm at the Vansant location.
Worship service times are 9:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. and Sunday School is offered at 8:15 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. For more information and upcoming events, please visit or find us on Facebook at ‘First Baptist Church – Clinton, MO’.
We invite those without a church home to join us in worship of our Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ. First Baptist Church exists to fulfill the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20) by loving people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.

First Presbyterian
All around us is the evidence of God’s glory. We can see it in the beautiful colors of a sunrise and sunset, or smell it in the refreshing rain. There is so much beauty on this earth that we often take it for granted. Day by day God reminds us of His love in big and small ways. Take a moment to praise Him for his beautiful creation. Rev. Nancy Gillard continued her sermon series on the Armor of God with a message titled The Sandals of Readiness using Ephesians 6: 10 – 20 as the scripture. Our hand chimes choir played “I Sing the Mighty Power of God” arranged by L. Larson as the anthem.
School supplies, Best Choice Labels, reading glasses and several packages of seed for Festival of Sharing are on the foyer shelves creating quite a display! The CUT AND TIE DAY for Blankets of Love will be coming soon.
Watch for posting of the date. There is still time to donate to this mission effort. The collection of our gifts will continue through Sunday, October 6.
Tai Chi classes continue on Mondays and Wednesdays at 10:00 am. Strengthen your core and improve your balance. Come join in the fun.
An invitation is always extended to come visit First Presbyterian Church. Friendly, people will make you feel at home. Worship begins at 10:30 am. Check out the monthly newsletter and calendar on our website

Trinity Lutheran
“No Creed but Jesus.” This is a common expression among millions of Christians today. It is meant to promote the idea that churches don’t matter. Doctrines don’t matter. Everyone can believe whatever they want to believe. Just believe in Jesus. That’s enough. Someone doesn’t believe in original sin or baptismal regeneration? No problem. Someone believes a person cooperates in their salvation, rather than it being God’s work alone? No problem. The list goes on and on and on…
Lutherans all accept the doctrines of the Lutheran Church. They are specific and written down for all to see and understand. There is no ambiguity. They are not optional. All Lutherans believe all human beings are born sinful and separated from God. All Lutherans believe God alone works through Word and Sacrament to create and sustain faith in everyone who believes.
Where are these gifts of God most commonly available to people? In churches where the Word of God is proclaimed, the Law and Gospel are preached, and the Sacraments of Baptism and The Lord’s Supper are rightly administered. Trinity Lutheran Church-Clinton is one such church. In fact, all Lutheran churches who are a part of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LCMS) are also.
Come to church this Sunday. God the Holy Spirit has promised to meet you there in spirit and truth and teach all who hear, as Jesus commanded us to do.
Divine Service: 1 pm. Sunday School, Noon. Ph: 660.885.4728.

Urich Baptist
Please come and join us each Sunday at 10:30 A.M. as we gather for worship service.
Today, Clint Keeney rang the church bell. Mrs. Rebecca Sowell led in the congregational singing with Mrs. Dixie Collins playing piano. Randy Vogt and Clint Keeney collected the offering.
Steve Sowell filled in for his son, Pastor Joshua Sowell, to bring the message. The scripture passage from his sermon was from Psalm 37. When our heart and mind are dedicated to God, He gifts us with love, joy, peace, and patience. This passage focuses on patience. When we keep on a safe course, right mindset, remain calm, trust, and are faithful to Him, God is faithful in all our circumstances. He will never abandon us because He loves us so much. Share some love, kindness, and practice patience this week and be blessed.

Valley Center United
We are an open and affirming church and welcome all to come and worship with us next Sunday morning at 9 am.
We send our prayers of love and peace to the family of Ransom Russell who passed away this week. We also continue our prayers for the family of Sandy Smith.
We enjoyed special music this morning by Karen Switzer singing and Rev Dane playing his guitar!
Because of all the hard work of Jim Neuenschwander, Andy Lasswell, Jordan Stinnett and Isaac Neuenschwander, we have new playground equipment at the church! A storm had destroyed our old one and sent it flying across the road several weeks ago. It took many hours of welding, painting and digging, but the end result is awesome!! We send thanks to each of these men who gave their time and talents to finish the job!
The cross is the source of our power and we are the heirs of salvation. We are reminded that his death gave us our life.
When we read about Jesus’ journey of being on the cross, we can envision the terrible agony that he endured from the nails in his hands and feet and the deep sorrow that was in his eyes. But God in his wisdom had chosen Jesus to be swept up in the anger of human kind and nailed to the cross. The cross is the source of finding our own salvation.
Today, as we try to find our way, we may feel like we live in an escape room. We are always trying to find a way out and to find the right solution. We make things harder than they are. We think that if we somehow find perfection, it will bring us our salvation and our way out of this room that we put ourselves in. Those solutions that we come up with are foolish. It is when we believe that Jesus is our Lord and Savior, we then find our solution. He was not nailed to the cross to become King, he was nailed to the cross to bring us our salvation. God loves all of us and receives us because we are his children.
We extend his invitation for all people to come and to stand at the foot of the cross and feel his presence, love and acceptance. There is no other way to receive the gift of salvation but through the cross. It is because of it that we are saved.