Have I Got A Line For You!


Is anyone surprised about the attempted assassination of The Donald on Saturday? I’m not. If you keep hitting the drum beat “Existential threat” over and over, something like Saturday is bound to happen. How it happened though, that’s another matter. Remember the Warren Commission Report about JFK? One solitary gunman was responsible. To this day information remains classified and many don’t believe Oswald acted alone. How does a 20 year old carry a large rife through a manufacturing plant and easily get roof access with a straight shot to a former and possibly future President? He’s supposedly one of the most guarded individuals on earth. The Secret Service would normally have agents on that rooftop and others observing it. Not on Saturday. UNBELIEVABLE! Folks, I have a hunch this wasn’t the work of one individual. Wonder if we’ll ever know the truth? The way our Justice Department is running, don’t bet on it.
Speaking of President Kennedy, I remember my Dad telling me the first time he saw grown men cry was in 1963, when Kennedy was killed. He and my mother went to a special mass that night in Warsaw. He said the men had tears, especially when Father Brunswick asked God, “To have mercy on the soul of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy.” I also recall seeing a film clip of President Kennedy speaking after the U.S. submarine Thresher went down, taking a number of lives with it. He was visibly shaken as were members of his administration who were standing with him. There’s a hymn that’s been sung during a number of tragedies.
“Almighty Father, strong to save. Whose arm hath bound the restless wave, oh hear us when we cry to thee, for those in peril on the sea.”
What in hell is happening to our country? We seem to be in peril on the sea.
Listen Old Buddy, I have been and most likely will continue to be critical of President Biden’s rhetoric and polices, but his address to our nation Sunday night was conciliatory and thoughtful. President Trump expressed gratitude for President Biden’s phone call. Let’s be thankful for both of those things. In the meantime, hang in there and hold on tight. Who knows what’s coming around the bend.
Til Next Week: