Letter To The Editor


To The Editor,
In the seventh grade I was assigned to write a paper on what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote I wanted to be a nurse or a teacher, because I wanted to help people. My heroes I found were Florence Nightengale, Dorthea Dix, Lillian Wald, and Clara Barton (all nurses). I determined to become a registered nurse having additional degrees in psychology and social gerontology (succeeded). I learned, however, my greatest study overall was of my very own Life. Recently, I turned sixty. It’s a presidential election year. After the last presidential election, amid all the COVID business, I was seriously dismayed and disappointed by both candidates running and by the healthcare system. It was my thought I would never vote again! But then along came a man, with his running vice president, whom I could vote for with a clear conscience. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Nicole Shanahan are on the Independent ticket. I’ve been registered Independent voter forever, and now finally I can Declare My Independence!
My women heroes, mentioned above, saw the vast needs of the people, and each acted to help right away, helping the people to gain back their independence lost to the infirmaries. These women had no financial ties dictating what they must do; they were guided by their consciences. The same is true of Robert and Nicole, “We The People.”
Florence Nightengale knew we needed a healthy environment to heal. Dorthea Dix toured prisons and other conditions seeking to mend what had been damaged. Lillian Wald knew how important a home really was to the health of families. And Clara Barton knew how to get a sense of stability back from the chaos of wars and crises. Dire circumstances present in the 1800s are present today within our precious United States of America. I wish to see comprehensive resolutions addressed concerning these, now.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Nicole Shanahan are determined, having the right policies for today’s world. They truly have the American People’s best interest in mind. They will help without having those cumbersome financial ties pulling them every which way.
I urge you to take a look at We The People policies at Kennedy24.com. We can look forward to seeing the candidates on the 2024 presidential ballots. Your vote for Your Independence WILL NOT be wasted! I believe it. Will you?
We The People -- 18 Policies
It’s “We The People” Not “We The Corporations”
People Who Work Hard Should Be Able To Afford A Good Life
Homeownership and the American Dream
End The Forever Wars
The Humanitarian Crisis at Our Southern Border
The Best Environmental President in American History
End the Chronic Disease Epidemic
Regenerating America’s Soil, Farms, and Food
Politics as Usual Has Failed the Black Community
Righting Old Wrongs Is Long Overdue for Native Americans
Restore Our Rights
Veterans Must Be A Top Priority
Expand Americorps
More Choices, More Life
Every American Can Be An Energy Entrepreneur
Tax Fairness
Recovering America with Healing Farms
Defend Labor, Uplift Workers

Gerri Balius
Deepwater, MO


To The Editor,
With the old car in the shop for the past few weeks, I found myself in a bad spot.
My husband’s pickup has been modified for his height; even with the seat pulled all the way forward, I still can’t reach the pedals very well.
I tried one of those armrest pillow things, but it was too poofy and put me on the edge of the front seat. I worried that a pothole or sudden stop might bounce me right off, so I had to drive really slow.
It’s also hard for me to see over his toolbox; several years ago, I had backed into someone when driving it, and I really didn’t want him to stress about that happening again.
Although I did make it back home with no mishaps, I was tense, and decided maybe it was time to try something else.
A sweet neighbor offered to let me use her car; I took her up on it one day, but I was worried that something might happen while I was driving it. So, I told her that if she needed me to drive her someplace or if there was an emergency I might consider it, but otherwise, we should just keep our friendship safe!
I had often seen the ATS bus near our place, but didn’t know anything about it. I was concerned about having to fill out a lot of paperwork, qualify through some government program, or some other nonsense, but it was surprisingly easy!
Basically, all you have to do is call and arrange a pick-up time and location. They will take you anywhere in Clinton and pick you from wherever you want to take you back home—if you need a round-trip. And, it only costs a buck each way!
There are some limitations on the pick-up times, as they only have so many buses and drivers working, so it’s best to plan ahead a day or two if you can. I was pretty pleased with how easy it was, though, and although I only used it a few times, I am so glad that I got to use it—it set my mind at ease, for sure.
The driver, Mary, was very pleasant and friendly; we talked about anything and everything, and I enjoyed that part of the trip more than I can say. Mostly, though, I just felt so blessed to see how ATS in Clinton is so helpful to those who don’t have regular transportation of their own, and I know that if/when the time comes that I have no other options available, I will not hesitate to call on ATS to help me.

Barbara Gay
Clinton, MO