News From The Village Of Brownington


Village Of Brownington
June 14, 2024

The Board of Trustees of the Village of Brownington met on June 14, 2024 at the Brownington Community Building for the scheduled regular meeting at 7:00 p.m. Trustees present were Chairman Steve Schraml, Trustee Sylvania “Jody” Eversole, Trustee Joe Bradley, and Joyce Tullis, Clerk. Trustee Ian Burton was absent. Visitor present was Mike Tullis.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Steve Schraml. Chairman Schraml requested the minutes from the last meeting be read. Motion to approve the minutes was made by Trustee Joe Bradley, second by Trustee Sylvania “Jody” Eversole with all board members voting in favor 3-0. Chairman Schraml then requested the financial report be read. Motion to approve the financial report was made by Trustee Joe Bradley second by Trustee Sylvania
“Jody” Eversole with all board members voting in favor 3-0. The bills were presented to the board for approval of payment. The Annual Deepwater Rural Fire Association Membership dues was also presented for Board review, along with the regular monthly bills. Motion to pay all due bills was made by Trustee Sylvania “Jody” Eversole, second by Trustee Joe Bradley, with all board members voting in favor 3-0.
NEW BUSINESS: Chairman Schraml brought discussion before the Board regarding Semi-Annual Financial Report for the Village will be due June 30, 2024. The Clerk will prepare the information to be posted to the public as required.
Chairman Schraml brought discussion before the Board regarding the Projected Budget for the New Year, July 1; 2024, through June 30, 2025, which will also be due. The Clerk will prepare the Projected Budget for Board review at the July Board Meeting.
OLD BUSINESS: Chairman Schraml brought discussion before the Board regarding
progress of Ordinance Violation clean up. The Board discussed certified letters that were sent out and progress made on some of the properties. There has still been no response to one of the letters, and the certified return card has not been received back by the Clerk. A notice to post in the newspaper and on the property was not taken care of, since the clerk was unsure of the wording.
Completion work on the Community Building is still in progress. The scraping of the old paint is slowly moving along: Chairman Schraml is not sure what has happened with the Community Service Workers that were supposed to be scheduled to help. The paint and primer supplies have all been purchased for when the building is ready. Chairman Schraml and Trustee Burton have not been able to check on the water situation.
Chairman Schraml discussed with the Board that due to work schedules, so far he has not been able to contact the workers for the Community Building Metal Roof.
PUBLIC COMMENT: There were no public comments.
ADJOURNMENT: Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Trustee Joe Bradley, Second by Trustee Sylvania “Jody” Eversole with all Board members voting in favor 3-0.
Chairman Schraml adjourned the meeting at 8:05 p.m.