The Shepherd Calls


About Those BIG Red Trucks
You likely have seen one of those big red trucks traveling on Garton Road. Aren’t they pretty? Don’t you wish everyone would keep their vehicles that neat and clean? Admittedly, my admiration is likely limited to our male population; but as one who once worked in construction, they evoke my appreciation.
The trucks are traveling to the construction site of the future Cox Medical Center Rehab Facility. Cox Health has many buildings. All I have seen are as aesthetically pleasing as commercial buildings can be. In addition, their premises are maintained attractively.
The problem comes when you meet one of those huge trucks going or coming on narrow Garton Road. It is a tight squeeze, but there really is room enough for two vehicles to pass. Given the size of the trucks, you may doubt that fact.
Since my “near death” wreck in July of 2023, I, a somewhat dare-devil driver, have become a wary motorist. Given the average age of our campus drivers and the increased traffic---especially the huge red trucks---are intimidating. As a newly initiated defensive driver, let me suggest a sound protective maneuver. When you meet one of those big red behemoths, pull over to the side of the road as far as possible, keeping your right wheels on the pavement and stop. Let the truck pass you. If they should hit you, (and they probably will not since they are experienced drivers); but if perchance they did hit you while you are stopped on the side of the road, the onus is on them---not you.
It is progress. There is little to no progress without inconvenience and pain. Every resident on this campus is experientially aware of that truth. One day a beautiful rehab facility and ministry will be our neighbor. It will help those in need for years to come. That is a worthy purpose we share.
Whenever you meet one of those beautiful red trucks on Garton Road, remember the advice of the Apostle Paul, “Be anxious about nothing, but in every situation by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace which surpasses understanding will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:6-7)
Obviously, Paul was not referencing big red trucks, but I believe the scripture does apply.